Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 - The Yoga of True Renunciation

Bhagavad Gtia

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Arjuna got confused by understanding there is renunciation (declining) of actions and yoga of action, out of this which one to follow. Krishna told Arjuna, that Yoga through action is superior to waivering of action.  The person who maintains evenness and neither hates nor desires and free from the pairs of opposites and performs unattached actions with no expectation on result is liberated. However renunciation is hard to obtain and only sages can do it.  The one who is equipped with Yoga (evenness and unattached), his mind is pure, who has self conquered and mastered the senses, will not be tainted by actions. He understand that he doesn't perform anything, seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, sleeping , letting go, catching hands, closing eyes and opening and everything , he offers to God. He lives like the lotus leaf with water, unattached. By body and by mind and by senses the yogis (one who follow Yoga) perform actions without attachment and live in self purification.

"Our Life: In our Life, we breathe and fill lungs, we pump the blood, we digest the food, we command the neural systems to work and unless we tell nothing of this will work.... Oh Sorry! we do none of these activities, it’s taken care by some power which is out of our normal thinking, but we believe if we eat, that’s enough the body is taken care!!... Fact is, we have a complete complex system as named "Body" of us, which is not in our control! (Do we ask the white cells to find and kill bacteria :)) But the body acts with very high intellect and we are not aware of! However whatever actions, we do, we claim it’s done by us... For example, one day when we wake up, the arms are not working; can we command our arms to work?!! Not possible.... So when we aware that the micro system in our body is so well designed and till date and future also it’s controlled by supreme power, why to claim the actions and results .... The one who takes care of you and me, is taking care of that also, it all depends on him and all credit’s/debit’s goes to him and only him "

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Krishna told Arjuna, the liberated one (yogin) treats a saint, a bird, a dog, a dog eater and every living being in the same way.  He understands and sacrifices all the thinking and actions to me. He understands all the livings have birth and end, and he understands the bondage, relationship, attachment can bring him sorrow. Hence he leaves everything to me and runs his life.

"Our Life: Many a times we separate the god from us and we believe that we are the doers. We keep god in a corner of house/in room/in a cabin and we keep the god in temple/church/mosque and we believe that god is only there. We think, in front of god, we shouldn't do something which is not auspicious. First, we have separated god from us, by design. Second, we think, we do all the things and god is only an invitee. Third, we believe god can only be there for good auspicious things and not for anything. Whereas god says, we need to give everything to him, and he says as a supreme power he is there everywhere and in every living being. But we don’t listen to him. Sometimes it’s like, God owns a call center, and we can ring whenever we want and we will raise a service request, and after some days we will launch a complaint that he has not addressed the problem. Don’t worry many of us, feel that we pay fee also for his service (monthly/yearly/etc)... "

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