
Bhagavad Gita

You and I have had our own interpretations, when we read this. You and I had our own imagination about Krishna and Arjuna, and some you have accepted, some you may have confronted. However we both are united in one part, that we both are from same supreme power and we both are part of it, here age never matters, money never matters, position never matters. By reading this or by writing this or by arguing this, we may not be completely changed from today to tomorrow, we might be still doing most of them in same way. However I know that everything comes from him, including me, this will help me to handle elements in life. At the introduction, I was telling that I am searching for identity, now my search is stopped, and I know who I am. Now, I don’t feel lonely, even the loneliest time in my future, I know I will not be lonely. You may have completely different thoughts on what I wrote, it’s absolutely fine. Because what I wrote is also given by him, what you think is also created by him; he is not someone who can be put in words. The words given here are triggers to us, but more than that every living being enjoys him within them, so you can describe him more than what is here! you can cherish him more than what's here! This is no conclusion, this a running experience. As a villager lives in a village, without seeing the world, with my limited abilities I tried to understand Gita in my own way to my capability and shared it, there could be pundit’s who travelled across globe, have read line by line, word by word and done lot of research on Bhagavad Gita, they can find many errors in this compilation. However for a villager, who enjoys the humming of bird, who sees wonderful butterflies, and having healthy food, it may not matter what FM radio brings, what a operating system performs, what’s the on time performance of a flight operator... does he really need to bother?!! It’s finally turns out to be, how you perceive and live and what he had blessed for you!!!"

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