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Bhagavad Gita - For many it’s highly respected life science or way of living or just a fictional book or a Hindu’s guide book for life, "hmm",  there are lots of such perspectives and everyone like to see it in the way in they wants to see it. There have been many books published on Bhagavad Gita with adequate details and various views given by various saints & scholars. However here, in front of you - one more view! As a common man, who lives among 500 crore people, searching still the identity for himself and his life, I present the understanding I get by reading those complex words in Bhagavad Gita and trying to decode them.

Why should I? - This is the first question I had, when I started this journey. “It should be me”- that’s what my heart said and here I am. I, born in this world, like anyone else, have been introduced by parents and by teachers to Bhagavad Gita as a great holy book. I have the belief that there is reason for everything and including my birth, this could be mostly the same for all the readers here! I, who is working in an IT company, can access to richer lifestyle as I demand, but by birth I am from very normal Indian family and by caste or by nature not so religious. However the changes and situations made me feel there is nothing more than a superior power in this world and every living and non living being is controlled by it. With that belief, I lead my daily life! My reading of Gita is to understand, what’s that the supreme power has communicated to mankind and to me and to you! I believe it’s my right to understand and decode Bhagavad Gita on my own way (as I am a component of that supreme power) and also to share with the ones who are interested in taking those views. Bhagavad Gita is not for storing in Pooja room or to keep it as unreadable god’s scripts. This is told by god, for you and me, for us to understand and lead our normal life and perform our duty! (Saints can give clarifications, but it’s not for them, as they have nothing to achieve in this world!) 

Let’s start the experience!!!

Note:  The photographs in this web page are primarily based on Internet search, thanks to all the original source providers.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 - The Yoga of Arjuna's Grief

Brief Background:

Before we get into chapter one, let’s understand from where and why Bhagavad Gita comes in. Bhagavad Gita is a part of Mahabharata - the epic. In which the supreme personality of god has taken the form of "Krishna" and born in world. In this incarnation, God remained with God Qualities but with human form. Mahabharata is a story about a kings family, in which the cousins (with their family) trying to establish hold in the kingdom, whereas few with rightful and few with greediness intent. It shows many of the characters which we are still seeing in our normal life. It ends in battlefield where Kauravas (the misguided ones) and Pandavas (the rightful ones) stand on opposite side to settle scores. Krishna is with Pandavas as they asked for him and Krishna's soldiers are with Kauravas as they asked for them.

Characters to Know:

Krishna: The Supreme Personality of God. We can call as supreme power. He is uncle to Pandavas and Kauravas. He has nothing to gain or lose in the battle (why do we say that- will see in coming chapters)

Arjuna: The Mighty Archery man and one of the Pandavas. Arjuna is very close to Krishna and they both share a relationship, which couldn't be categorized and its pure form of love and affection.

 ”Our life: Do we ever try not categorizing our love or anyone's love at any time.... No, always we need some form like friend, sister, mother, uncle, wife, daughter, etc... Unless we compare and categorize we can’t accept the love and affection in formless way... may be the common man is more rule oriented and pattern oriented"

Remember Arjuna is not someone else, "he is me and you", and he represented us in front of Krishna. Every human being who read this is Arjuna, with whom the god has spoken.

 Let me scope it out, Gita is written only for human and his purpose only! And for other living beings (animals, birds, plants, etc) there could be something which we are not aware of... Similarly its told to a man, so the grammar always follow the singular pointers to male, however woman has to apply applicable grammar when they read.

Sanjaya: The person who was able to see all the happenings in the battlefield with his exceptional power and who is explaining to Dhritarashtra (the king). He is the reason for us to know what is there in Gita or what god has told to Arjuna ... “The Remote Hearing Aid"

Dhritarashtra: The King and father of Kauravas. He was blind and he was not there in the battlefield, but trying to understand, what’s going on through Sanjaya.


Sanjaya is explaining to Dhritarashtra, that what's happening in the battlefield. He could see that millions of soldiers are arrayed in both sides. The great warriors and relatives in both the sides are standing there with their chariots and weapons to conquer each other. "Our Life: I used to see lot of English movies, so I remembered The Mummy, lord of the rings, Alexander, etc and trying to imagine, what could be the magnitude of such military, Wow... Excellent!!! But remember they were living human, each one had a family and every life had a history, I and you could be one among the soldier who left his wife in house and thinking , we will return back in few days with life"

Arjuna's cart was driven by Krishna and it’s with a purpose. Why does god drive a cart? The fact is, he was driving the battlefield which was going to teach the human - what's life is all about!!! ...

Bhagavad Gita as it is

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Arjuna wants to see who all are there in battlefield to fight along with him and against him, in that battle. This is like, self stock taking and to see what’s going on. He asked Krishna to take the cart in between both the militaries to have a better view. Krishna then took the cart to the center of the field and told Arjuna on his either side, he can see his soldier's and of his opponents.

"Our life: We like to imagine India-Pakistan, US-Russia or ourselves and an unfriendly neighbor or colleague in workplace and imagine that we are the good ones and others are our opponents. We don’t have the guts to think, that one side is my impure characteristics and another side is my pure characteristics and god has placed the cart in between them, and asking me to see both the sides of me. Let’s try to do that and perform the stock taking!!

We all have three level of response system with us : a) the outer one - the "survival" system, which responds in a good or bad way ,as it’s been habituated by the person based on the environment he/she lived, it’s more of immediate actions b) the inner one - the "planning" system, which is based on mind and heart, the good and bad here is born after analysis, they have long standing effect (we all might be talking to ourselves with our mind &heart ), by the way “Heart can never talk/think”- but it’s a notion for love, affection, kindness and truthful thinking of Mind c) The Supreme Inner one- the "Purest Soul", we interact rarely in our day to day activities with  this one, this is pure and can never be modified (no good and bad in this level) , but on constant practice (ex: Yoga/meditation/self realization) we can interact with that. This tells at any time "Are we doing right in life"!

Now coming back, imagine now- we are looking from the purest soul perspective the way the other two layers are working in us- the good and bad responses."

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Arjuna had a look, he can see only his uncle, forefathers, teachers and well wishers on either side and he couldn't understand, who his real enemies out there are, as he was confused by the relationship and attachment he has with them. He tells Krishna, Even if someone gives me the three worlds, I will not kill them to attain it. I am not here as greedy, who kills his own people to achieve something and I will not be able to take the sin which arises out of this act.

As a common man, we can say, Arjuna was really good and he is not ready to put down his family for the price of land. Also Arjuna is asking for peace and what’s wrong in it?

"Our Life: For most of us, peace is something important. According to us ' peace' is something which is normal life without any change and not getting into any new position or it’s a position of no decision making. The fact is, being ignorant of most of happenings in the surrounding and self is what many a time we do for this peace. If we don’t raise our voice against social discrimination, family discrimination or any level, we live in peace, if this is our way of peace, it’s "ignorance". We like to do that, because we don’t want to take decision in our life and we don’t want to lose anything in life (attachment & relationship to something). This is exactly what Arjuna felt."

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Arjuna goes on and says to Krishna, instead of doing such a sin of killing my own men and get the sin, which will impact my life and all members in family, I would rather go to battlefield without any armor and die in the hands of Kauravas'. He put is his bow and sat down in the cart.

Arjuna has concluded, what's good and what's not good and what will fetch him sin and everything. His conclusion was based on his understanding and knowledge of what is the criteria or description of good.

"Our Life: The results coming out of an activity are classified by us good and bad, and they are decided so, by the community rule, situation, point of view, etc. The human eye can’t see clearly anything which is  far and can see only the things which are nearer, the same way his rules are based on the closer things, which he see, live and believe. It doesn't mean all others are untrue. Just because we don’t see a micro-organism in our bare eye, it doesn't mean there is nothing! We see movies and we get emotional, don’t we know that’s untrue! But that’s human and he is driven by emotions, illusions and desires! Human thinks, he is the wisest of all and he knows what’s right and what’s wrong! But the reality is he doesn’t know himself and his purpose! Like Arjuna, we also have our own understanding on what’s good/right and bad/wrong, and it’s only based on our region/religion/society/belief, the same for another human from a different region/religion/society/belief could mean differently"

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 - The Yoga of Knowledge

Bhagavad Gita Summary :As Arjuna has put down his bow and sat down, Krishna started talking to him. Krishna asked Arjuna, from where he is bringing this weakness at this difficult situation, in which, Arjuna has to perform his duty as a warrior. Krishna went ahead and told, by doing such an act, he will not achieve heaven nor do any fame and he ask Arjuna to leave such weakness behind and perform his duty. Arjuna replied to Krishna, that he will not do such an act, which can kill his nearer and dearer, after that he became silent.

"Our Life: Arjuna's weakness came from attachment and fear of unknown, it’s the same for us, and we all have our weakness towards losing any attachment. Be it a car, relationship, home or anything - we don’t want to lose and we are not ready for anything unexpected. We all want favorable condition throughout life. We pray to god to always bless us with favorable condition. The other fact is, we don’t know, how to manage an unfavorable condition or an event. Our parents or elder in our life don’t teach us, how to manage a death/lose/fear, but they only say us to think always on favorable positives. In an unfavorable condition most of us fail or get anxious/ worried/stressed and not able to come out of it. Basically we have never been taught on how to manage the loss of something (everything is taken from here and one day they will go off)"

Bhagavad Gita As it is

Bhagavad Gita Summary :After listening to Arjuna, Krishna has smiled and started speaking those words, which are going to be the underlying principles for living and non living beings in the world and across universes. Krishna has told Arjuna, that he is grieving for which, he shouldn’t. He told, as human changes the dress on daily basis, the soul also changes its body. The soul which is born in this world with a body, over a period of time, will leave the body through death, and will again take the new body and will born.

“Our life: We all know, every day new cells are born and old cells die in our body. The birth and death takes place in our brain, heart, hand and everywhere. Yet, we are not aware of! Because it’s taken care by the supreme power! For many of us, it’s science! (Now if your friend or wife says, that you are not the same as of yesterday, you can accept with smile

Bhagavad Gita Summary :Krishna went ahead and told Arjuna, the wise man will take pleasure and pain the same way, the body is perishable can't be protected , but the soul is imperishable and no one can cause destruction to them.

"Our Life: If a farmer thinks, he shouldn’t remove a blossoming flower from the plant, he is ignorant, and the flower will be perished on its own. However the same farmer thinks, the soul of the plant can be destructed, that’s not possible, because the soul takes the next birth. Now I have a question, if 10000 years before if the world had only thousands of human , then only the same count of soul will be there, but how come today, we have 500 crore people , it means 500 crore souls , how the new souls came in ?... oops... no... I got the answer, the soul count includes animals and plants also, we destroyed so many of them, and they are born among us to teach a lesson to us :)"

Bhagavad Gita Summary :Krishna told Arjuna; whoever thinks that they kill the soul, is ignorant. The soul is not newly created and it’s never destructed but they attach to a body, based on the attachments they gained. The soul which has carried the goodness/sins/desire/etc takes the body/form (animal/plant/human/etc) it deserves , but the soul which never carries anything, but has only supreme personality of God as goal, will not born with a body, but will stay with god.  The soul can never be fired/burnt/wetted/cut or be in to any destruction. If this truth, you are only killing the body and not the soul. For something born here, death is certain. For something dead here, birth is certain.

It’s like PMBOK/ ISO/ Global standard definition for the term "Project”: Every project has Start and End :)

"Our Life: Don’t we know, we will die in some time. Yes we all know, but at least for me it will not be near, may be for Sam or John or Raghu that could be early!!! , we are happy to think like this. We always believe that we will live 70 years minimum. Who gave us the guarantee?!! Ok... let it is... Even having this Guarantee, what do we do?!!! We want to study engineering or MBA or CA, etc, get a big salary, buy 1 or 2 houses and pay installments,  have 1 or 2 kids, search for schools, run for college seats, pension plan, good four wheeler, full of loan( when we pay out a loan, we go for next loan) and  son or daughter stays in far away city/country, deposit money in a  senior citizen plan and one day get admitted in hospital !!! (Some of them think back and feel, they never did what they wanted and they lived such a poor life)  This the life 400 + crore people living and in the past most of them had similar life... So who are we? do you know , someone who lived in Mumbai(in Dadar) in some bungalow, 25 years back or someone lived in a palace in Rajasthan in A.D 1247 ... We don’t know.. We don’t know our purpose of life! But we all want this body to be there for minimum 70 years with us, to do what? I don’t say that we have to be a historical personality or a popular person... Do we know, how many literatures & languages are lost, how many great people are unknown, do we know anyone who lived 12000 B.C, etc, No ... Even history and fame also goes away with the time. It’s all about understanding that this body is not owned by us, and don’t get attached to it, but only to our soul. That will lead us to a birth-less state, however it doesn't mean, not to perform the duty, but not to get attached to worldly things and relationships, beyond a limit (self realized state -where we can separate as we demand)"

Bhagavad Gita Summary :Krishna told Arjuna, the duty of a warrior is to fight and by not fulfilling his duty he will achieve sin. The world will not appreciate the one, who has turned down his duty, and people may think because of fear he left the battle field. By killing these bodies of the greedy one, you will fulfill you duties and may achieve the rightful position. Krishna went ahead and told the one who treats pleasure and pain, gain or loss, victory and defeat, alike will not achieve sin, because he performs his duty and he is not gaining anything out of the result and he is not bothered on result.

"Our Life: Performing duty, according to us, limit’s to our family and our job. Most of us don’t bother anything outside our life. Fulfilling our needs is a part of duty but that's not all! We don’t give our voice for anything! Sorry, we do... We all talk to our friends and family about injustice/scam/social needs/changes to make in country, etc and also we strongly believe that someone will do the job for us :) (Perhaps we have faith in others, more than self) We go behind popular social cases, and we take road and we walk with candle light, but we forget to step in to our next door and stop the discrimination happening there. We talk about what happens in Srilanka and in Delhi, but we don’t talk and take action on what happens in the nearby community or street. Beyond this, how many of us think that we need to keep the environment clean outside our house, how many of us dare to question a person who is polluting the society/economy/politics/health/environment, etc... Rare...But we all are duty conscious... We run for our bus, we run for our work, we run for our sleep and we run for everything...but only for us and  only for what we need !!!"

Bhagavad Gita Summary :Krishna has started speaking about yoga to Arjuna, The one who is resolute has single mind of determination, the one who is not has his mind following different branch of thoughts and will be inconclusive and confused. The Resolute understands that everything here is taken from here and one day he will need to leave all this and go, also he understands that all the beings here will change over a period of time and they are destroyable.

"Our Life: Most of us actually are living in simulation more than real current happening. How much we talk in our mind! How much we talk to others in our mind! How much we create people and their behaviors in our mind! We pre-decide about what the other person will talk, when we say something! We pre-decide what the situation will be when we enter an office/function/etc. It means we spend huge amount of time in simulation, and many of them simulate the long future also... They think, what will happen to their life, what money they would have earned, etc.... Neither they live in current nor do they live in future. Some simulate the past and think, if this could have been that way, which would have been nice! The mind lays out branches for us to travel, but it’s up to us to cut those branches and live in the present and be determined only about the supreme power or connected to our soul and perform actions without expectation on result"

Bhagavad Gita Summary :Krishna told Arjuna that Veda’s (holy rules) can guide a person to reach the demi gods (Sun, moon, other forms of gods) and to get good life, however the one who has attained the Yogic state is not pleased by them  nor impressed by the power it gives. He who is in Yogic state can control the senses and still be living a normal life. When he meets the supreme power he also loses the worldly interests and reaches the god without any obstacles. For that yogic person, Veda’s serve no purpose.

"Our Life: We have seen, most of us don’t understand Veda’s clearly and their purpose. There are few, who has learnt Veda’s, but I am not including them here... Most of us do lot of ceremonies/rituals in our house/temple without knowing the purpose, but with the belief it’s god's language or ceremony and he will be pleased with that. We always forget, that solely thinking about him in our mind/heart and perform our duty, will please him more than anything! But the truth is, we believe rituals alone will bring peace and harmony to us and our family. How untrue is this! We also see, there are some VIP's/rich people who enter in to temple/church/mosque and get high priority for them and get some good words from priests and they think that god has blessed them. God is equal for every living being here and no need of any mediator here (the concept of Guru is different) and the importance given to them is a manual happening and it’s not from god. The first thing, believe your god is knowledgeable. Don’t think he can be fooled! Similarly we see some temples/churches/mosques getting high donations; I am sure more the money comes from Sin and as part of share for the Sin. We believe god will reduce our punishment, if we give him some share :)"

Bhagavad Gita as it is

Bhagavad Gita Summary :Krishna told Arjuna, being in Evenness in success and failure is called Yoga and yogic state. The one who performs the actions given to him, without worries/interests in the result, is actually getting in to the Yogic state. He is not bothered about the fruitive result and he is in steady state. The one who is self satisfied for what he is! He is said to be in steady wisdom.

"Our Life: How many of us feel, till date we had very good life without any hassles, and how many feel, my life is the best! Not many... we still look at some other's life as best life, we still look at someone as best person. We still need something else to make us satisfied. If I remember the movie "castaway", that showed a man who nearly attained self satisfaction in the island, but that’s more by force of nature and not by wish. All the materialistic things and living beings will not leave you to be on your own and they will never make you as self satisfied person on your own. Just, we need to leave them!!! There are many among us, who can’t live without phone, who can’t live without TV, who can’t live without friends, who can’t live without something... Attachment to something, makes us more comfortable and not letting us to think about who we are? We all are very comfortable, by not allowing ourselves to know, who we are and what we are doing... We need more internal control, to start thinking about ourselves...Sit somewhere quietly and think who you are... again don’t think, what Sam and Raghu does to your life and don’t think how your wife/son/parents behaves with you... it should be only you! There is nothing beautiful than you in god's creation and there is nothing holier than you in god's creation!”

Bhagavad Gita Summary :Krishna went ahead and told Arjuna,  when we are subjected to senses and allow them to dominate, the attachments come, from the attachments we get desire , from unfulfilled desire/broken desire the anger comes, from anger the delusion comes, from delusion we get confusion in memory and we lose reasoning and that leads to ruining.

In that chain of speech, I can remember holy Buddha stating similar the way; all these are more or less same, because the truth is single.

“There is no three or four gods in the world, neither so many of them ruling this world. Its one supreme power, which has created and maintains this universe and other universes and even the micro organisms. And that supreme power is Krishna! If you think, this is what I am going to say, I am sorry! This could be Nabhi or Jesus or any one, but there is a supreme power. Just because in my region (correlated with religion), we believe in the form of Krishna, i call him as supreme power, but if am born in Saudi or in Italy, I will call him differently. Never Krishna has crossed and went to Rome, nor Nabhi went New Zealand, nor did Jesus go to Vietnam.  The religion and rituals are born from the region and conditions, however it doesn't mean there is no god. There is one supreme power which is beyond imaginable knowledge and power, which runs everything. The sad part of human is, unless he understands something, he believes they are not true. Before Edison, no one knows about electricity, the older generation would have thought about him as fool, but now electricity is a subject with few marks...Just because we don’t see something/hear something/feel something, we can’t say there is nothing... it’s our limitation .... It’s beyond the current science, its belief... that’s the only way to see the god!!!”

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 - The Yoga Of Action

Bhagavad Gita Summary :Arjuna asked Krishna, you are saying knowledge of Yoga is superior to Action, if so, by knowing this, why should I do the action of killing? And also he conveyed to Krishna that his speech seems to be conflicting in nature and no way is clear. Krishna replied to Arjuna, there are two ways, one is living in knowledge of yoga and another one is following the path of action of the yogis. Just by not performing an action, you would never reach Action-less state, nor by waivering your action you would achieving the perfect state. None of living being at any instant remains inactive. The nature- born qualities are always working in them.

Let us clarify something, the word "Yoga" given here is not the breathing exercise taught or physical exercise taught in a "Yoga Class". It’s a condition of maintaining evenness to the action, results and happenings, and living with self consciousness. Anyways, here we are not going to give any definitions for terminology, if at all, it’s only for clarifications purpose.

"Our Life: The moment when someone decides (Yes, many of us decide, that now i will follow god  religiously or now i will do additional charity, etc) to follow supreme personality of god, they buy a book like Bhagavad Gita and started reading it or watch television channels or attend religious meetings, then some of them conclude, everything in this world is untrue and there is no meaning in continuing working/doing duty, and they start to behave so weird, that their family members get really irritated and feels, why do this person get in to it! Some of us don’t keep Gita in our house, we don’t keep Krishna and Arjuna's (together in Battlefield) picture in our house, because we fear that will not help normal life and it will bring war in house. Truth is, Gita tells us how to live in evenness in normal life. But our understanding on evenness always goes on the extreme side, where we are not clear what to lose and what to control. Like Arjuna got confused at this moment, we also get confused by half understanding/knowledge"

Bhagavad Gita Summary :Some of us attempt or perform meditation and some believe, this is what an action less state. Meditation what we perform in normal life, can help us break our thoughts and make us concentrate, which might reduce the blood pressure and support the bodily happenings for few minutes. But once we finish our meditation, we search for our phones, we attend mails, we start arguments, etc (basically we resume normal life)... This is where the meditation is required. It’s nothing but, unattached to the action and to its result, but keep performing the action. A mind keep practicing this, is in real “meditation". Not the one, which says, some word for 15 to 30 min and comes back to normal sense driven actions after that period. 

Krishna told Arjuna, controlling the senses by organs is not the right one, but controlling the mind over the objects of senses is the superior way. The one, who can restrain the senses by mind, involves his organs of action in Karma-Yoga, without attachment and he excels. The one who performs his duty by action and he is superior to the one who is inactive.

"Our Life: Many of us has different habit’s which we our-self don't like, for example , we want to get up early on daily basis, but when we try to get up, we feel - why not another 15 min sleep... then we slip into sleep. Similarly someone may want to quit smoking, but cant.... Because, we do initiate controls on our senses, and not in our mind. The senses are powerful; however the mind is more powerful than senses. Mind thinks on consequences, where as senses can't. So it’s practically easier to control mind, which in turn will control the senses. In our mind when we fix up a time to get up, we don’t need alarm, on that exact time, we will get up. I am sure; many of us are experiencing this. But when it’s not fixed in mind, even if the alarm rings, we will snooze it :)"

Bhagavad Gita as it is

Bhagavad Gita Summary :Krishna told Arjuna, that actions has consequences , which has to be sacrificed (the result), that's the way one can do actions, The other way is for the one, who is self satisfied in self itself, for him there is no action is required, as he is not dependent on anything. He is not attached even to the actions (not only to the result). However he also performs his duty (without attachment on actions). He told Arjuna, for the supreme god (Krishna himself) there is nothing to achieve in this world or in heaven or hell, but still he also is performing the duty without attachment.

"Our Life: I always have this question, even you might be having the same,  Why should god make me born in this world and suffer here, and what is he trying to prove here, if I am not born here i would have been happy....Hmm... I never got any proper answer from anyone and i don't believe an answer logically (logic here, to the extend, I and you can understand) can be given here! God performs his duty of creation, maintenance and destruction of living beings in a materialistic environment, without any attachment and without any results in his mind, he is keeping doing it. However the living beings born here, is not able to live without any attachment and they enjoy taking pleasure and one day when there is pain, they ask question to God, why you make me born? (When we are very happy, we don't ask this!) We ask what the result, god is trying to achieve? Whereas, he already told us, this is his duty and he is not expecting result. But for our logic, without a result why should he do? This is our question and we go ahead and think, why can’t he stop doing his action? First of all, we want god to be attached to result then attached to his action else we want him to stop the action! The only problem here is we don't do our duty in the way he is telling us and now we want him to be attached to everything! God has also told a way to come out this birth and death, that's by being yogic and continue to be determined on supreme power, by that we can come out of this! But we are not ready for that, but we would like to advise god also :)"

Bhagavad Gita Summary :Krishna told Arjuna, that the wise man, who understands that actions have to be performed without attachments, keeps performing it. However they shouldn't unrest the one, who is ignorant, by giving partial/untakeble knowledge or understanding and make them confused. This will only create disorder! Every living being performs the actions based on the characteristic they have! The senses utilize them to act! The wise man knows how to manage it! Also one shouldn't enter in to another one's duty and perform it, that should be avoided and it’s unacceptable. He told Arjuna, as the fire is surrounded by smoke, the wisdom is always surrounded by desire, and hence the wise should be aware and remove the desire by control on mind and by concentrating on supreme power.

"Our Life: In life, we have to give something to others, only to the extend they can take and not beyond their limit. If everyone is capable of everything, the world would be having only robotic living. There will be no demand and supply. If everyone is a medical practitioner or construction engineer the world will not run in a normal way. The world has its own cycle and everyone here performs the role which they have selected. However the one, who understand the importance of the role and how to be unattached with the role, can provide guidance to the other, based on the amount the other one can take it. But going beyond a limit and feeding the one (who can’t take), will only create confusion! A construction worker , who is plastering the wall in 25th floor, hanging in a rope between sky and  earth , is been told with all this and if he is asked to perform his duty without attachment, can he take it ?!! May be or may not be!!! (Don’t think he can’t) The work he is doing doesn't qualify his characteristics and thinking, there could be few who can, few who can't ...It depends on the individual. But when they can’t, then all you spoke with that person can only create disorder to his life! Similarly, no one can take decision for others (rightfully)! You can’t for your wife/son/husband/parents/friend, etc (rightfully)! No one can lead others (rightfully)! We are not been given the right, nor are we capable of! Most of them time, people who like to decide for others are worried to take a decision for them self (may be they like to pilot on others :))! We can only guide and give relevant support, but decision & action to be owned by the relevant individual and interfering in that is a Sin. However when it’s comes to a country/group/team the decisions are taken by selected individual; however it’s a role which they play and it’s their duty. Their credit’s on life are purely depends on the decisions taken and duty performed as in that role! 

Be the leader, when no one is ready to lead! Be the decision maker, when no one is ready to decide!  You can exclude this, only when it’s a duty assigned to you!"

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 -The Yoga of Renunciation of Action

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Krishna told Arjuna, i have taught this Yoga to the Sun god, millennium's ago and he taught to others, by that many of them carried away it, as part of tradition, but over a period of time the chain was broken. So here i am, again giving you that knowledge.

Bhagavad Gita

Arjuna asked Krishna that you were born among us how did you teach this to sun god, because you seem to be lesser age than him. Krishna replied Arjuna, that you are born many times and I am also born many times, and whenever in these worlds the righteousness reduces and unrighteous things grow, I born (as incarnation) with my Maya to destruct the wicked and protect the good and to establish dharma (truth/ fairness and kindness).

"Our Life: There are 10 incarnations of Vishnu, as told in Hindu mythology and one among them is Krishna and the last one still pending is "Kalki”, in which the god will come in "white horse with a sword"  Hmm.... Interesting part is the initial few incarnations, which were millions of year apart; the forms are like fish, pig and turtle, etc. Why in the world, he is not in human form? Did human race exist in that period? May not be … Until I saw the movie Jurassic park, I was not aware of dinosaurs. And now they are not in this world for many thousand years... It means the world undergoes change/revamp in a period... Today we get petrol in gulf, under the dessert. The petrol existence means there was rich organic elements were there in that place thousands of years ago... Today only dessert exists. The world has undergone huge amount of changes, which we are still studying... So it means some revamping happens on certain Intervals and human form may not have existed at that point in time. Apart from this, I don’t know , whether for "Kalki", god will come in horse or he will come with a new cyclone /series of earth quake/volcano erupt/virus/bomb etc called "Horse" , who knows!!!  When our Laptop is hung, what do we do, we "Restart", similarly a machine is not working, what we do, we "Restart”, maybe we got this principle from him :)"

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Krishna told Arjuna, the one who knows this and who is free from anger and fear, and free from attachment, is absorbed by me and become one in me. The wise performs action without any attachment.

"Our life: How do I know, I am without any attachment? Hmm... Thing 3 thinks which you like the most in this life (relationship/material/ or any). Ok... Now if we remove those 3 from your life from tomorrow on wards, will you still have interest in life or do you inclined to live ? .. For many of us, it’s “no”. The one which you like the most, if you are ready to leave any time for its good or with the understanding of god , it means you are already living detached. Be clear, it includes fame/desire/etc also. Leaving the one which you like the most (including self), if you can do, then you have nothing to achieve here in this world. Now, i am writing all this, whether I am a saint, no ... Can I leave everything and live normally my life? I don’t know... But I am sure understanding that they are perishable can help me to live in a better way and handle things better way! "

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Krishna told Arjuna, the one who can see action in inaction and inaction in action, is the wise. He is not attached to actions. The one who has removed the desire from actions and its results, have great wisdom and no sin can affect, when he performs the action. He lives with, what is the minimum needed for his life.

"Our Life:  I see many a times, people start every activity in professional life with personal results in mind and only that as major target. Everyone has expectation in self, and the organization has theirs, so we plan and agree what to achieve in a year. When it comes to self goal, i see people start the year with the goal "promotion”, "double digit increment" etc... they go and ask the supervisor, what if i do, I will get them this year...They don’t ask, what should i learn this year, they don't ask, what do you think is my potential and  how can i use it for my duty effectively... People employed in the current generation, only for their competency to do the job and the performance, instead of concentrating on improving the competency, people target on promotions and salary as the only goal! Their entire sets of actions are dependent only on that! It could be because they don't believe that their action will lead result or could be fear, that they may not achieve the result, or they only bothered about short term goals! A confident, self known person will not worry about the result, but will concentrate on the action... When you perform the activities in competent way, with evenness in your mind, the salary and promotions will come in your way... if not in this organization, it will be in the other :) but don't loose you, because you are precious and difficult to find, if you lose! 

Anyone who is having assets more than what is required for his normal day to day life and for his emergency, is again attached to the materialistic nature. The materialistic things will not leave him. For him, nothing is adequate. Believe, even if he has 300 million plus dollars, he is going to say, it’s inadequate for emergency, because by that time his asset will make him as servant(developed all kind of bondages like investment, loan, status, etc) and it will bring all the vulnerabilities to him. In windows operating system, when you try clean up the programs, it will show how frequently you use that program and it will tell you remove programs based on that. Similarly, when you actually don't use many of the things, asset is a curse"

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Krishna went ahead and told Arjuna, through sacrifices people try to achieve the almighty, some of them sacrifice material, some sacrifice hearing, some sacrifices senses, some practices breathing, some follow austerity, some follow regulated food and through them they try to destroy the sins. Above all, superior is knowledge about supreme and actions without attachments, you will learn this from the Guru's who has obtained such knowledge. The knowledge will act as fire to destroy all the desires. There is no purifier better than the soul of a knowledgeable person, who understands the self and satisfied by self. The one who is doubtful will have happiness in neither this world nor in any other world.

"Our Life: Guru's (teacher) help us learn various practices and impart knowledge to us on different topics. The help of teacher and its requirement varies from person to person. Not everyone needs to attend religious classes or others. The need can only be determined by the self and not by others. Many of us in India follow gurus, which help for many, in concentrating and taking life forward. Different people take things, to the level it’s required for them. Be clear, there is nothing purer than your own soul and it’s should be your goal to connect with it. Now a days , we see the so called gurus' have become business people and they have lot of things to maintain like publicity, assets, brand names, chain hospitals/restaurants/colleges, etc, donation inflow, organizational strength and sale of products. They want to sit in golden chair and some singer will be singing about them and they listen happily talking about yours and my life. I am not pulling any one’s leg, they will have their own reason, as long as they are not attached to their actions and they don’t have any expectations on results, we are no one to judge! 

A guru guides you in a path, but the path only you have to walk. If you are dependent on a guru throughout your life, it means you haven't walked, you are just standing there!

When you decide on something and on some person, never allow the doubt to come in your mind. That can destroy you. Before you decide on anything analyze and decide, but once you are engaged in, you should never doubt, even if your senses say, because doubt will ruin everything you have!"

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 - The Yoga of True Renunciation

Bhagavad Gtia

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Arjuna got confused by understanding there is renunciation (declining) of actions and yoga of action, out of this which one to follow. Krishna told Arjuna, that Yoga through action is superior to waivering of action.  The person who maintains evenness and neither hates nor desires and free from the pairs of opposites and performs unattached actions with no expectation on result is liberated. However renunciation is hard to obtain and only sages can do it.  The one who is equipped with Yoga (evenness and unattached), his mind is pure, who has self conquered and mastered the senses, will not be tainted by actions. He understand that he doesn't perform anything, seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, sleeping , letting go, catching hands, closing eyes and opening and everything , he offers to God. He lives like the lotus leaf with water, unattached. By body and by mind and by senses the yogis (one who follow Yoga) perform actions without attachment and live in self purification.

"Our Life: In our Life, we breathe and fill lungs, we pump the blood, we digest the food, we command the neural systems to work and unless we tell nothing of this will work.... Oh Sorry! we do none of these activities, it’s taken care by some power which is out of our normal thinking, but we believe if we eat, that’s enough the body is taken care!!... Fact is, we have a complete complex system as named "Body" of us, which is not in our control! (Do we ask the white cells to find and kill bacteria :)) But the body acts with very high intellect and we are not aware of! However whatever actions, we do, we claim it’s done by us... For example, one day when we wake up, the arms are not working; can we command our arms to work?!! Not possible.... So when we aware that the micro system in our body is so well designed and till date and future also it’s controlled by supreme power, why to claim the actions and results .... The one who takes care of you and me, is taking care of that also, it all depends on him and all credit’s/debit’s goes to him and only him "

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Krishna told Arjuna, the liberated one (yogin) treats a saint, a bird, a dog, a dog eater and every living being in the same way.  He understands and sacrifices all the thinking and actions to me. He understands all the livings have birth and end, and he understands the bondage, relationship, attachment can bring him sorrow. Hence he leaves everything to me and runs his life.

"Our Life: Many a times we separate the god from us and we believe that we are the doers. We keep god in a corner of house/in room/in a cabin and we keep the god in temple/church/mosque and we believe that god is only there. We think, in front of god, we shouldn't do something which is not auspicious. First, we have separated god from us, by design. Second, we think, we do all the things and god is only an invitee. Third, we believe god can only be there for good auspicious things and not for anything. Whereas god says, we need to give everything to him, and he says as a supreme power he is there everywhere and in every living being. But we don’t listen to him. Sometimes it’s like, God owns a call center, and we can ring whenever we want and we will raise a service request, and after some days we will launch a complaint that he has not addressed the problem. Don’t worry many of us, feel that we pay fee also for his service (monthly/yearly/etc)... "

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6: The yoga of Self Control

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Krishna told Arjuna that a yogin is the one, who performs action without depending on the result, and not the one, who don't perform any action. The one who has won the thoughts can only reach yoga. The human shouldn't lower themselves, and for a person who has self conquered, his self- acts as friend. For the one who has not conquered the self, they see enemy in themselves. The yogin, who has conquered the self, for him the earth, sand, gold or anything, seems to be the same. The person understands there is nothing superior to him and nothing lower than him, and he concentrates on the supreme power.

Bhagavad Gita

"Our Life: In our professional and personal life, we see people behave differently with others, based on the position/achievement/status, others have obtained. When we speak to the CEO of organization, we think as if it’s biggest achievement and when we speak to an office boy, we end up advising him or treating him as a poor life.  None of them are great or poor; they both are performing their own duty given in this world. An entrepreneur who employs 1000 people is not great and nor the person cleaning his office space is poor. It’s a role given by the supreme power in this world. A person defeated continuously in his attempts, doesn't mean to be a loser in life, maybe he has better life without much attachments and has ability to handle failures. All the so called great people had the ability to handle failures, that’s why they were great. When you sit in front of a top official in work place, do you need to be afraid or anxious? No. Whatever you know, whatever you perform, is required by the organization/industry/society that's the reason, you are employed, and so your role and action has to be acknowledged first by you.  As an Individual, you might be much closer to the supreme power and you may have better understanding of life and work. So you don’t need to be nervous and need not be aggressive, be a balanced person."

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Krishna has explained Arjuna on how to perform physical yoga and concentrate, he also told, the one who sleeps and eats more or less, can’t practice them.  A person, who sees the self, by self and satisfied with it, will not have great sorrow. The person practicing yoga can concentrate on self and little by little he can remove the senses and attachments, anything which cause unsteadiness should be kept away. The person starts seeing me everywhere and in everything. For him, i never vanish. He who is having comparison with himself, sees everywhere me, he is highest yogi. Of all the yogis, the one who sees me in the inner self and merged in me, he according to me is the most devout.

"Our Life: There are three types of people , number one, person always looking at survival, for them life is all about living in that short period, anything they will do to survive.  Number two, Comparative person, his life is always driven by the environment, social happenings and others, they just see others and try to compete and achieve results and again they start comparing. Number three, Leading person, for them in life there is no comparison, they want to lead/initiate something and they do it for themselves. 

Most of us here are running a comparative life, and we don’t want to look back our life. Fear... Yes we Fear!  To know that, whether it’s really a good life, what we are doing here, and so on... because we believe by the time, we think on this, others will cross us and go... so we keep pushing and compete with others...  The leading person, mentioned here doesn't mean any top business person or some top official, they are those people who leads their way without any comparison in their mind and heart, they are not worried about anything new or change, because they have strong belief in themselves or supreme power. Either of these (Self belief or belief on Supreme power), according to god, is important for, to be a closer one to him."

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7- The Yoga of Wise Understanding

Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Krishna told Arjuna that he created Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect and egoism and above all he created the life itself. All this are woven on him, like a clusters of gems in a string. He went ahead and told, the taste of water, light of moon, syllable “Om” in Vedas, fragrance of earth, life in all, intelligence of the intelligent and radiance of the radiant, everything is being on him. The characteristics - Pure, active and inert are coming from supreme power, but he is not in them, these are divine illusions and very hard to overcome, only the one, who seek the supreme power will cross it. The distressed people, knowledge seeker, wealth seeker and wise man all worship him, out of these the wise man, who seek only him is dearer to him. I am in formless and in many forms as gods, people pray to different forms and want to achieve something and they go to achieve it. The one who believe in my supreme form reaches me and he is the unborn and imperishable. Krishna knows the past, present and future and him no one knows. The wise man at the time of departure (death) they pray to him and reach him, not only them, even the sinner who prays to him at the end realizing this, also reaches him.

“Our Life: The Universe is one amazing place and it has so many wonderful creations! However if you look at them closely, there is some pattern we can realize. The smallest components like cells in a body, atom in a metal and the biggest element  the universe, all of them has a nucleus(center) , free particles which move around , and well arranged particles like planet, electrons ,etc in a distance away, revolving around the nucleus in a orbit. Which shows, the base of all material elements and living beings have some commonalities.  So when we read, god is in there in everything, there is not much to surprise. Also as per Newton’s law (yes... the school theory, which fetched easy marks!), the energy in this universe can’t be created and can’t be destroyed, but it can only be converted to a different form. When it’s a science theory, we don’t ask question, the same when it comes in a holy book, we ask… God is unborn and imperishable and the same is for the soul, which are unborn and imperishable, but they can different forms with bodies…  Science is nothing but a language used to study his creations, but science is neither the god nor it can lead us to god. Only belief can take us to the supreme power”

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 - The Yoga of Undestructible Brahma

Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Krishna explained to Arjuna, at the time of death/quitting the body, a person remembers the supreme personality of god as goal, then he achieves him, similarly he who meditates on Krishna and constantly engage himself in remembering the supreme personality of god- reaches him, like that the one who reads Vedas and follows all the rules and guidance set by them also reaches him (if that’s their goal), the same is for the one – who is dedicated his life in devotional service and completely followed that as a medium to reach. Beyond all these, the one who understand supreme personality, as oldest, as controller, as smallest, as largest, beyond material, beyond conception, seeing him as sun, moon and everything and live as yogin also reaches him.

Krishna has explained the practice of Yoga, on how to close eyes and think of the central point of in between eyes and thinking about god with the syllable of “Om” chanting, can help in achieving perfection. Similarly he explained the calculation of days and nights for Brahma and for human, and he told - by period and day /night, when one can reach the birth less state. However the one who firmly believes in supreme god and at the time of death, who only thinks on him, will reach Krishna – the supreme personality of God.

“Our Life: The very famous question, if tonight the world is going to be destroyed by a comet (think, NASA missed this J) and there is no chance for USA, Russia or China to send their missiles to destroy it in the middle air, and it’s official now, that you have only 2 hours with you….. What will you do...? Many of us would like to have our final wish fulfilled, some in bars, some with family, some in roads, some in crying, some in phone, some in love, some with holy book & in church/temple/mosque, etc  praying that it should not end today (basically asking god to do some magic to save them, so another few years they can lead their great life J)…  Not most of them are expected to be in a state of prayer which leads only to him and not thinking on anything else, instead many will be still searching for final set of happiness or pleasure or handling fear through pleasure or engage in action which makes them forget themselves.  Interestingly not many of us are sure, whether instead of fulfilling materialistic or human desires, we will be realizing god!

The one who is studying the holy books or praying in holy place, they are still searching god outside in a paper (words) or in a place. There is nothing wrong in it. However the moment you search god outside, the path is huge and it has no end. Many of them want to see god in a form or in an action, or in nature, or in a place… We think god has to come in front of us… Why should he come? …. God is inside you, if he is the super soul and has made all these souls, and all these souls are part of him, then your soul is the place where god resides... Don’t search him outside... You may never find him! Let the moment be anything, he is there in you and he never leaves you… You be having tea, eating meat , helping someone, wounded, or working, let you do whatsoever, at every moment and at any time, he is there with you! We think only in a particular place he lives or he resides, that’s nothing other than lack of awareness. He never leaves you alone, let it be success, failure, loss or anything, he is there with you and all your pain and pleasure he is taking. Be sure, you are part of him and there is nothing to worry, but you are not the god!!!  Anyway, it’s true not everyone can have the same understanding, so he has given many paths and religion and practices, so that based on understanding they can follow him ( by doing devotional activity, meditate, pray, help others, etc)”

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9- The Yoga of Royal Secret

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Krishna has told Arjuna, since he is the dearest and true disciple of supreme god, Krishna will tell the greatest secret to him. He told Arjuna, all the beings are part of him, but he is not completely in any one part. All beings here have a life time and at the end they move out and come back again to this world. Some call this as nature, in which I send things again and again. Nor I am bound by any actions, but I keep doing the actions without any attachments. With my supervision the nature produces the moving and unmoving and the world revolves. I am the food, medicine, mantra, butter, fire, father of world, the mother, supporter and grandsire, I am the knowable, the purifier and syllable “Om” and all Vedas. I am the goal, sustainer, lord, witness, abode, shelter, friend, origin, dissolution, foundation, treasure and in many forms, and I am the imperishable. I give heat, cold, send rain, I am the immortal and I am the death and birth, existence and non-existence.

“Our Life: It’s very difficult for us to accept all the happenings in life as part of god (not as act of god, but its part of god). This is primarily because the self is made of actions, desires and ego. A human loses the most and become weak, when he loses the loved one! Or the love! Why do we really get broke down that time, it’s because we know, that we can never achieve it back... But why do we want to achieve it back? because we don’t know what else to do, repeated memories which don’t leave us, we don’t see any replacement for that love, and our ego – which categorizes us as worthless,  we are not ready to leave thinking, because we as a person feel it’s wrong to forget…. Hmm… So many people lose their life, do suicide and put them off life and do badly to their own… But Why? … When god is everything and he lived/lives as your loved one and he is the one – who is dead or told you to forget or lost somewhere…if so, then why, we are carrying this sadness, for what we are waiting… When he (god) is gone from the form you loved, he will come in a new form, for you! There is nothing that you have lost! Whatever was there in some form and which you loved, will be there in some other form, but you have to be ready for that! Remember you will also die someday; you will also leave someone alone, someday! But be sure, with them also god will be there! So accept the changes, as every change is also him… He is there for you and he never leaves you alone and your loved ones will be there with him always, as Part of him... The only thing, which you can pray is, that they also should reach the supreme god and there is no return back to the world for them also… So get up and walk, and never allow the smoke surround you and make you feel lost”

Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Krishna told Arjuna about heaven and birth, the men who follow the Vedas, the soma drinker (holy drink), pure one, sacrifice and the worshipper; they all go to heaven and enjoy the divine pleasures of gods and demi gods. Once their merit is exhausted they again enter in to this world as mortals. It’s cycle in which going and returning happens to human, even if they follow all the Vedas. The men who worship me alone, for them I secure the place with me. Even the one, who worships any other gods or in any other forms, they only worship me. I am everything and the supreme power, the ignorant forget this. I am the enjoyer of all and the lord of sacrifice too, but when they don’t know me, they fail. The worshipper of gods, go to that form; the ancestor’s worshippers, goes to that form; the elements worshippers, go to that form; The one who worships me, comes to myself. With devotion, if one offers a leaf, flower, fruit or water, I take that for their pure mind. Hence whatever you do or practice, do that as an offering to me. Thus you shall be liberated from fruit’s of action, good and bad. By thus, you shall come to me. I have none dear and none hateful, however the one who worship me with devotion, they are in me and I am also in them. Even the sinful will reach me; by having understand me and having devotion on me. So fix your mind on me, devote to me, and sacrifice to me, by this you shall reach me.

“Our Life: We might worship gods with many forms, but finally everything is one supreme power, this is told by god in Gita and not by us. So why do we have problems here based on religion? What are we trying to do? Is god expecting us to come to a conclusion and bring justice to his land/principle/rules, etc? … Ignorance, fear, politicizing, identity crisis and egoism, all of them is creating their own illusions to human mind, by thus we see people fight and safe guarding their gods… Yes... That’s what we believe... We are the one, who safe guard our god and religion, by fighting with evil ( all other forms, which we can’t accept is evil for us…Krishna with any other name is also evil for us J), if this is the belief we have means, then we should read Gita once again or many more times…. He is the supreme power and safeguarding everything. If someone really wants to perform their duty to their religion, then they should read and practice it... And not become a fool and keep that as holy book in a room and fight with Krishna… Yes, by showing your grudge and hate on other religion, region or anything, you just showed it on Krishna and not on any other gods... (there is no other god, it’s one supreme power , let it be Krishna, Allah, Jesus, Buddha or any).
Can anyone say that they safe guarded Bhagavad Gita? None can say that... on its own, it’s surviving; it’s just the wish of God. People can argue, unless they fought with other religions , it wouldn’t have survived… check karnatic/Hindustani music, bharata natyam or any dance, none of them have well scripted manuals, but they survived for years, the same for few language and tradition…It’s Just that, they are followed by people and that became part of their life.. When it comes to Bhagavad Gita or god, we will just fight, more than following J  .So then, why don’t we understand and have fewer problems based on religion? May be, the supreme power wants to have balance between wise and ignorant…
As a secret, god has told that, offer everything to me and be detached from actions’ fruitive result. It’s easier, when we have poor result and we are ready to dedicate it to god, but when you get success, not many will offer it to god. The same is for fame! Success and fame, they both take you away from where you started, and no longer will you be detached, unless you dedicate it to god. We are seeing people,  after success (like a writer, media person, movie maker, socialist, etc) they want to give comment on everything, they share their opinion on everything… very rarely, we see people who defy to comment and say they are not the right one to comment. We see newspapers are filled with additional pages, where people have to attend parties and they are rated also. Do everyone really happy for this, is that what the person is all about, may not be!  But Success and fame, takes you there, where coming back to ground is very difficult for you. The best way is, offer success, failure and everything to god and keep ourselves unattached to the results.” 

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10- The Yoga of Divine Glories

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Krishna continued and explained to Arjuna, that none of the rishis and forms of gods knows his origin! And he is the source of all the Vedas, gods and rishis. The one, who understand Krishna as unborn and he is the source of all the worlds and lords, and live based on that, is liberated from sins and then enters in to birth less state. All the characteristics and happenings , intelligence, wisdom, truth, lie, pain, fear, death, birth, violence, non-violence, equanimity, fame, shame and everything arises from me. The great rishis (saints), demi gods and others are created by me in the universe. The one, who understand this glory of mine, will be able to establish in stable yoga. The wise understand this, and keep their thoughts on me, they are dedicated to me and they enlighten others and they always speak about me, and they get delighted and devout, thereby with yoga they come to me. I reside in their self and remove the ignorance and give them the wisdom and take them with me.
“Our life: The supreme power is not an equation or a formula to understand and to apply logic. Before Einstein derived the formula E= MC Power 2, the world was not aware of that, and people might had laughs! Today, if I show you a Computer motherboard circuit and ask you to explain or I show you a design of a Dam Structure and ask you to explain, you may not be able to do! Why, because we need to study and understand that, then we will be able to interpret! For a small chip and paper of design , if we need to study 4 to 5 years to understand, then the creator of universe and creator of all living beings and non living beings, can he be understood in days or months or year?!!!... Then why to make fun or make others to disbelief, which we are not aware of!! On the flip side, is that meaning, you need years and years to reach him? No, you need months, or week, or a day, or even a minute, or less than a second to reach him… Because, he never leaves you alone, he is there within you. The solution for all complex things comes from your mind... Ask and search your mind to get those answers… Your mind has all the secrets, inventions and answers, in built … just search and take it... I don’t think Google or any search engines can helpJ , but determination and belief is the clue for that search!”

Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Arjuna requested Krishna to tell more on the supreme god’s glories and he is eager to listen. Then Krishna spoke, Of the rishis – I am Narada, I am the beginning-middle-end, I am life on all beings, I am the sun, moon and Vishnu, of Vedas- I am sama, of senses – I am mind, of rudras- I am sankara, of mountain – I am meru, of generals – I am skanda, of offerings – I am prayer, of men- I am the king, of weapon- I am thunderbolt (vajra), of serpents – I am vasuki,  I am varuna (god of rain), I am yama( god of death), I am wind, I am shark, I am ganges, I am the knowledge of self, I am the beginning letter “A” , I am the death, I am the fortune, I am memory, I am month, I am  flower, I am cheat, I am gambler, I am effort, I am goodness, I am badness, I am punishment, I am silence, I am the knowledge, I am the seed, I am the moving and I am non-moving and there is no end to my divine glories. I just gave you few examples, but all the existence and non existence only comes from me. This world and universe is one part of me, but I am not a complete part in anything. Again, I am unattached to anything and I am performing my duty.

“Our Life: In our day to day life, we never realizes, what are we? Where our life is going? Who controls us? And so on... We never ask any questions, about us and why we are part of this world... We feel uncomfortable to ask such questions….Because we know those answers; will bring some level of detachment to things, with which we are currently attached, also the fear of losing the race with others. There are many of us, who think, why should I ask such question?  I am happy with my life and I have children, I have assets, etc, then why I need to be bother what’s what?!!.. Also we believe that spending time in these questions is meaningless. I agree to you, if your aim is not to understand and reach the supreme god, but to gain some good deeds and spend life as it is, like ant/tiger/monkey/wolf/plant/bird or like any other living being, then you are perfectly right. You will also lead a life, which is prefixed; you will also have happiness, sadness, success, failure and everything, like the one who follows the supreme god’s path. The difference will be, the one who understand the glory of supreme power will not get unequinamity and will not be stressed by the happenings at any time, but you will! Anyways, not everyone is born to follow the path told by supreme god, if so, then there will no balance in the life systems here, because everyone might reach- no birth state! We all learnt that earth is revolving at high speed, but we never feel that movement, similarly still we think that sun “rises” and “sets” J That’s what we are! It needs determination and belief to realize god, without that, we will lead a life, in which everything is done by” us” only! And we can proudly say “Ignorance is blessed”.

However for the one, who understands the supreme personality of god is everything, his expectation in life, with people, with activities, with relationship and with everything is absolute, but he performs his duty and he realizes the god in himself!

To reach such a mindset, for some it’s easy, for some it needs constant practice. The mind is practice oriented for most of its part! If you keep watching/reading crime movies for a year, you will be able to simulate any place as a crime scene place! If you see religion based channels, you keep talking about them; same is for fashion, education, agriculture, health, food, travel, etc… The mind can easily be cheated and manipulated and it easily takes the wrong one! Hence for some people, practice or constant engagement is required to be there in yogic condition, but it’s not for all! “

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11- The yoga of Cosmic Form

Brief Expectation Setting:

Before we read this chapter it’s important for us to be imaginative. So, we will now imagine "Sun" in our mind... take few seconds... ok... How big was the sun we imagined?! a paper size or a building size or mountain size ... our imagination was nothing but, how we see the sun in normal life, it’s something far away and looks like a car wheel size ... But the fact is , Sun is more than a million times bigger than what you imagined... now try to magnify the size by 100 times.. Then to a 1000 times... Then to million times... oops... the memory is fully dumped, brain is unable to process the image... now you might feel like restarting your brain! See, this is the power of imagination and truth...but we like to live with our own illusions... coming back, this imagination to an extent is required to experience this chapter...

Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita Summary : 

Arjuna told Krishna, that his illusions are gone, and he realized Krishna is everything, and having known that, he is now interested in seeing god in all those forms, which god has prescribed. He asked Krishna is that possible for him to see that form? Krishna told, the divine form has many a million sorts of things in it, with varied colors and shapes, and many more gods and living beings and everything is there in it, and no one, has ever seen that before. Krishna told, whatever Arjuna wants to see, everything, irrespective of time, geography, secrets, and forms, he can see them all. Krishna told Arjuna, for him to see such a form a divine eye is required and he blessed him with that. Then the god has shown the universal and timeless form to Arjuna.
"Our Life: I had this question, that why a special eye do is required, can’t we see in our normal eye that form... Hmm... When I go to a 3d movie, unless I wear a special glass, I don’t see anything there, in fact the picture is more blur, the moment I wear the glass, I can feel 3d... When I see picture in picture Television, I am not able to recognize all the happenings in the nine screens in a moment of time in my mind, though the television might show everything. Similarly, my eyes can cover nearly 180 degree vision, but unless I concentrate not all the happenings in that visible area is recognized by mind... My eyes can’t see something in dark, but a special binocular is able to see... so many things, my eyes can’t do, even though this is the best intelligent automatic focus lens in the world, ever produced. Now I realize why Arjuna needed a special divine eye for this..."

Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita Summary : The universal form has contained many mouths and eyes, divine ornaments everywhere, and holy weapons held in thousands of hands, wearing divine garlands and colorful rays of light everywhere and it’s like thousands of suns have joined together in one place, there are faces everywhere. Arjuna was seeing more and more in that form and started speaking to the Supreme god, I see all the gods in you, all the saints in you, I see thousands of faces, and so many arms, stomachs, and I don’t see there is any beginning, middle and end to this form, there is no dimension and angle which I can quote, it’s spread across everywhere, there are wonderful lights, flowers everywhere spanning, the Vedas produced,  it’s difficult to take all of this. I see the sun, moon and all planets in some portion of your this body, I see face of fire, water, air which sends them in to this world, the heaven and earth is inside you, the form is marvelous and at the same time terrible. I see the saints praying, I see the demons killing, I see the soldiers, animals, workers, birds, serpents, good deeds, bad deeds and all coming from you from many of your mouths. I see my relatives crushed in to your mouth, i see the good and bad people undergo different treatments, I see the souls separated and go into a mouth and new birth happens to them in another mouth. I see the past of the entire world, I see the future of this entire world, I see fiery faces of yours which destroys the living beings, and by looking all of this I am terrified.

Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

"Our Life: That Arjuna was none other than me and you, he has seen the universal form of god and he is unable to bear it. Important question is that more than Full HD quality or may be better than that? Definitely it will be better than that, because it was not a telecast to decode it, the eyes were taking that vision as it is ... ( unless we have negative power in our eyes, if so, then use some disposable HD lens:)). What is that universal form for me now, it’s more than watching a Disney pictures movie or Avatar movie, the lights are so colorful spanning beyond sky to beneath earth, the god was having thousands of faces each with different color, skin tone, action, shape, etc , we can see Atlantic ocean to Pacific ocean in a mouth of one face, Himalayas to alps all mountains in one face, Arctic snow in a face, Sahara to Kalahari desserts in one face,  all the nuclear ammunitions in one face, all the volcano's in one face, like that  so many... we can see all 500 crore people’s life at one instance, we can see all their past, we can see all their future, we can see all the animals individually and their past and present, similarly we see all the plants, we see underneath layers of world, we see all the planets in this universe, we see beyond milky way what is there!, We see Jesus, Nabhi, Vishnu, Buddha , Greek gods and the holy faces and we see the wordings of all the holy books  in one moment ! not only that, We see the Swiss bank accounts and secret numbers of all the billionaire, We see the future of earth's future, we see the past of this world for many million years in a second, we see the colors we can never recognize, we see the millions of cows, we see millions of Bacteria, we see the all the scams in the world at one moment, we see all the violence in one moment, we see all the poor searching for food, we see all the riches making the money die to store in their graveyard cupboards, we see all the share markets sliding, we see all the pollution coming from the motor vehicle at a moment, we see our parents birth and death, we see our children birth and death and we see our self  born and die....if you imagined this well, you would have exhausted by this time ! Hydrate yourself please!”

Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita Summary : Arjuna was telling Krishna, having seen such faces of god, fire, killings, destruction and recreations from you, I am really becoming unrest and I have no peace with me. All the great warriors and my forefathers are getting destroyed and they get in to you and some undergo real bad treatment in this process, as all the rivers goes in to sea- I see all of the famous, heroic people also goes into your mouth in a hurry for their destruction, and i see fiery race everywhere. I have seen these fiery forms of in you, who you are with these forms, he asked Krishna. Supreme god replied, I am the destruction and time, I engage in destructing the world and its living and non living beings in every moment. He also told, even without Arjuna gets in to the battle, the Kauravas and their supporters will be destructed, and Arjuna is only a tool for this action. Arjuna is not the one who actually kills, it’s Krishna who already killed them and it’s going to happen in a moment. Arjuna bowed in front of god and told, now I understand why everyone praise you and saints pray to you, you are the imperishable, all the planets and everything comes from you, I bend in front you with my devotion as offering. I addressed you in my life differently in different time, treating you very normally, in the process I would have insulted you some time, please forgive me, you are the father of world, you are greatest guru in this world, I understand you are the supreme. I am delighted as I see the form, which no one ever seen; now I want to see you in the divine peaceful form with four arms, to get peace to my mind. Please provide such a view of yours to me. Krishna told, you have seen the universal and supreme form of mine, this is my original form, none has seen it before, not by any rituals, austerities- one can see this form and none other than you can see this form, now don’t be afraid and get confused, I return to the form which you requested. Then god has shown the four armed universal form to Arjuna.

Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

"Our Life: When we see a man, who is seven feet tall (172" inch) and with broad shoulder around 46" inch and when he crosses us, there is some nervousness we get! When we sit in front of a sea, its nice experience, now if we see some big waves come from it, we catch nervousness! We travel on road, suddenly a huge noise, and two vehicles had accident, and we see people with blood, again some nervousness! If that’s what we are, then suddenly we see god who is not measurable in height ... (oh! human need some measurement to imagine, else it’s difficult... so take for example more than 2000 meters/6000 feet ++++) and that to with so many hands and heads, how do we feel? Think the closest person in your life, the person's work is now changed and daily that person needs to kill minimum 2 people and then they will meet you... How would you feel about the person, with this activity?! So when god, who according to us, is always pleasant and do only favorable things to us (we need him for doing favors :)), suddenly shows the destructing side of him, do we feel normal... No way, we might need lemon juice, some ice pack and someone to say "All is Well" :)... in this entire process, what we understand is that we also imagined the universal form to an extend we can! This imagination power is nothing but his blessing alone, without him the power to imagination will not there! The Arjuna was none other than you and me, the god has shown the universal form, in our mind. Having seen such a form of him, now it’s time for you to see the form of a cool four armed universal form... hope we can still imagine, so I leave it to you!.. Don’t worry in most of our life, we live with imagination only, without imagination- solutions, resolute, creation, destruction and nothing will born! In fact imagination is a blessing given by god! (What will happen, if I get up one day in the morning, and I realize the entire life, which i lived was my one day dream!) "
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